How do people endure through the toughest parts of life? During this unit of our Humanities class, Endurance, we studied two different types of endurance: physical and mental, and how people have pushed through them in the past. To understand these two kinds of endurance we had two Field Experiences. First, to practice mental endurance, we went through an hour-long sound meditation in which we had to focus and not fall asleep. Then, we had a boot camp where we worked out for almost an hour and a half with intense cardio. For this Action Project, we had to write the first chapter of our future autobiography, imagining what we might accomplish in our careers, what we will have to go through, and how we got through it. I chose to focus on my hopeful career of being involved in activism and civil rights law, projecting that I will become a United States Senator. Thank you for reading.
GCE Pride Club Logo, MDS (2016) |
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