When making almost any decision, whether you are thinking about it or not, you are probably using Economic thinking, the process of weighing risk against value. In our class Econ: Risking Value, we studied this and how we can calculate the specific risks and rewards in different situations. We read the book Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, a deep dive into unique and surprising economic situations, and how they came to be. For this project, our goal was to calculate the risk and reward of our plans for the future. Being a high school senior can be stressful and scary, trying to make decisions about where to go to college, what you should study, and so much more. This project helped me put these choices in monetary and emotional value to make a final decision about my future career and how to get there.
Lambda Legal at Pride Parade, Lambda Legal (June 28, 2009) |
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