Throughout this term in Policy, we have been studying the different branches of the United States government. This unit, Judicial, we focused on the Supreme Court and some of the lower courts of the system. To learn more in-depth, we visited the Cook County Criminal Court to witness how an actual court proceeds. This Action Project was to choose a Supreme Court Case and analyze it ourselves to see if we agreed with the original decision or not. I found this project very inspiring, because I studied the One, Inc. v. Olesen case, an oft-forgotten case that made the first ever pro-gay decision in US history. I loved learning about even more incredible people that I can look up to as a young queer person, and I want many more people to learn about this case, as it has mostly been covered up by the government, who were embarrassed that they lost. What I found incredible about this case, was that it happened very early on in the Gay Rights Movement, which was only considered to be started in about 1952, and this case was decided just 6 years later, in 1958. I hope you enjoy!
The First Edition of ONE, ONE, inc. (1952) |
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