For this unit, Treatment, in our STEAM class Cure, we studied the different ways we can treat illnesses. These ways are over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, treatments, and remedies. I found this very interesting because we usually only look at over-the-counter medications and prescription when in actuality, remedies and treatments can be very effective. For our Action Project, we chose an illness or symptom and found 3 ways to treat, prevent or cure it. We then created a medicine box, as if we were selling the symptom for the cover. For the other sides of the box, we made 'drug facts' boxes that had information about each of our treatment options. For this AP, I struggled with creating the medicine cover, because I am not very advanced in graphic design. To solve this, I decided just to use Google Drawing, which allowed me to still make a professional- looking design without struggling with programs I don't know how to use. Thank you for reading my Action Project. I hope you enjoy!
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