Forest Playschool

Learning how snow is made (MDS, 2016)

Making jewelry for Valentine's Day (MDS, 2016)

Last year, from December to February I volunteered at the Forest Playschool at North Park Village Nature Center. Forest Playschool is a Preschool Program in which the students spend the entire school day outside in the woods, learning from the outside environment. I thought it was so interesting to see how the students, while most other kids their age are spending the school day on iPads and computers, had as much fun without any technology. I also noticed how so many early childhood education programs are skewed. I feel that we as people underestimate how smart and capable younger children are. I personally watched 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 year olds, while others their ages were learning basic shapes and colors, build a working swing on a tree that held up all four of them, with no adult assistance. I think this is one of the best education programs because it really prepares children for the real world, where there won't always be an easy solution or a test at the end of the day. This was one of the best experiences I have had the pleasure to be a part of. 
