This summer during July, I was an assistant teacher at Chicago Kids Company's Fairy Tale Camp for three to six year olds. From working here, I learned so much about how we underestimate young children. Almost totally without assistance, the campers wrote their own play, and despite some people's expectations, it was easy to follow, funny, and creative. I think that in all early childhood education situations there should be more allowance for children to work out problems on their own and to give them more challenging work. It would allow for them to grow faster and important skills at earlier ages. It was so fun to see how each of the campers' personalities grew on stage. Some of them seemed shy the whole week, but during the show they would shine and get louder and want attention. I loved the experience of sharing one of my favorite activities, musical theater, with a younger generation.
My Campers (MDS, 2016) |
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